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I use Alfred every day, but 99%! of the time I only use the Web Search feature and almost never use other features like workflows. Maybe because Web Search is not Alfreds main feature, it doesnt seem to be maintained very carefully, so I just made iSearhBar according to my own usage habits. In addition to the core features that refer to Web Search in Alfred, I also added some features I need, such as:

- Automatically generate keywords by filling in search links
- Allow multiple search rules to be added to a search group
- Global call-out window location can be set to follow the mouse
- Can export & import search rules
- Very rich custom UI attributes

I quite like the search group feature, because it really helps me improve my efficiency. For example, when I go to work in the morning, I need to open several web pages at the same time. Before, I had to click on the address in the bookmark bar one by one. Now I can quickly open them on the desktop through iSearchBar. Also, when I buy something, I like to shop around. Before, I had to open the shopping website one by one and search for comparisons. Now I can open these web pages at once and search through iSearchBar on the desktop.

Although this is a small project that is not eye-catching, it is my first commercial project independently developed. I will continue to maintain it and actively listen to your excellent suggestions to make iSearchBar even better. I hope it can also help you improve your efficiency a little bit.